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Best Face Cream for Melasma, Dark spots, Hyper pigmentation, Acne Marks, etc.


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Best Face Cream for Melasma, Dark spots, Hyper pigmentation, Acne Marks, etc.


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Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to Kaylite.com. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and share your personal information when you visit or make a purchase from our Site.

2. Information We Collect

  • Personal Information: When you make a purchase or attempt to make a purchase through the Site, we collect certain information from you, including your name, billing address, shipping address, payment information (including credit card numbers), email address, and phone number.
  • Device Information: We automatically collect information about your device, including information about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the cookies installed on your device.
  • Order Information: We collect information regarding your purchase history and the details of your orders.

3. How We Use Your Information

We use the information we collect in the following ways:

  • To Fulfill Orders: To process and ship your orders, and to communicate with you regarding your orders.
  • Customer Service: To respond to your inquiries, provide customer support, and resolve issues.
  • Marketing: To send you promotional emails and marketing communications, which you can opt out of at any time.
  • Improving Our Services: To analyze how our customers use the Site and to improve our services and product offerings.

4. Sharing Your Information

We share your personal information with third parties to help us use your information as described above. For example:

  • Service Providers: We use third-party service providers to process payments, ship orders, and perform other services on our behalf.
  • Compliance with Laws: We may disclose your personal information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, to respond to a subpoena, search warrant, or other lawful request for information we receive, or to otherwise protect our rights.

5. Data Security

We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure, so we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

6. Cookies

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance your experience on our Site. You can choose to disable cookies through your browser settings, but this may affect the functionality of the Site.

7. Your Rights

Depending on your location, you may have certain rights regarding your personal information, including the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information, and to withdraw consent to processing. To exercise these rights, please contact us at [insert contact email].

8. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes to our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. The updated policy will be posted on this page with the effective date.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

Email: [insert contact email]
Phone: +91-9999372590


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